In recent weeks, much has been said about 5G technology. It is a new generation of a cellular network — way how data is sent between devices. 5G is a successor to 2G (allowed to transfer text messages), 3G (provided access to internet) and 4G (made the internet much faster), and most new devices are…
Tag: explaining the cloud

Don’t go out of business and don’t hire robots — protect your data instead
Around 70% of people have experienced data loss at some point in their lives, and around 30% of businesses will lose their data and not be able to restore it. What’s more important: 70% of small firms go out of business within a year after a data loss incident. This happens not only due to…

Microscopic, liquid, human — the future of data storage
It is predicted that 1.7 megabytes of data will be created every second for each person on the planet by 2020. The amount of data generated increases each year, and a third of all data will pass through the cloud in 2020. The fast development of cloud storage can be explained by its ease of…

From cave paintings to exabytes of data
Recording and keeping their thoughts and memories is an innate need for most people — whether by hand or computer, with a pencil or quill, or even through verbal history and folk songs. We’ve come a long way since Gutenberg invented the printing press in 15th century, and even longer since early humans painted caves…

What’s what on the cloud
We hope it is sunny wherever you are. While working at, we have probably heard more cloud-related puns than anyone deserves in a lifetime. “A friend of mine is looking for an aerial water storage system. He’s working on a cloud-based solution.” is probably our current favorite. “Daddy, what are clouds made of? Linux…

Eight Reasons to Use ( Cloud Storage
Our crowd-sourcing campaign is running full steam ahead — you can join us at community powered Library here. While you choose the best offer, here are some reasons why people store their files in cloud storage and why you should start doing it. 1. Accessibility. Cloud storage provides greater accessibility than any other solution: you don’t…

Online file sharing: how convenience impacts our decisions
One of the first things that were built after the creation of Internet were file sharing networks. The very first notable prototype for file storage and sharing — the bulleting board system — was created even before the World Wide Web. After a couple of decades of some more and some less successful services, the…