We hope it is sunny wherever you are. While working at Files.fm, we have probably heard more cloud-related puns than anyone deserves in a lifetime. “A friend of mine is looking for an aerial water storage system. He’s working on a cloud-based solution.” is probably our current favorite. “Daddy, what are clouds made of? Linux…
Category: Cloud storage

Eight Reasons to Use (Files.fm) Cloud Storage
Our crowd-sourcing campaign is running full steam ahead — you can join us at Files.fm community powered Library here. While you choose the best offer, here are some reasons why people store their files in cloud storage and why you should start doing it. 1. Accessibility. Cloud storage provides greater accessibility than any other solution: you don’t…

Safeguard what’s important
First of all, thank you for your contributions. Our crowdsale has been live for a week now, and the response has been amazing. We still have great offers for storage space — don’t hesitate to safeguard what’s important to you. When asked for the first thing they would grab in a fire (assuming other people…

The trepidation of not enough storage space
The main horrors faced in daily life are often not the most devastating. Sure, zombie apocalypses, murder suicides, maniacs kidnapping you sound horrifying, but most of us will never — at least I hope so — encounter them in daily life. If we were to produce a movie on modern horrors, they would be much…

File sync vs file backup
These two terms have frequently been used interchangeably, but there are some significant differences that should be noted before deciding whether you need to use backup or sync to protect your files, or maybe both to be more productive and safer on the same time. The main differences Backup is the most common way for…

Online file sharing: how convenience impacts our decisions
One of the first things that were built after the creation of Internet were file sharing networks. The very first notable prototype for file storage and sharing — the bulleting board system — was created even before the World Wide Web. After a couple of decades of some more and some less successful services, the…