First of all, any backup solution is better than none. If your idea of a safe and modern backup is a USB stick or uploading your files to your e-mail, good for you! The most important thing is to use as many ways and devices as possible. However, if you want to make your backups regular,…
Tag: storage space

How much storage space do you really need?
There are several aspects to take into account when deciding how much cloud storage space to buy. Some questions to consider: How much storage space are you currently using? How much new data do you usually produce? What type of data is it? What are your future plans? Current use This is the best indicator…

Microscopic, liquid, human — the future of data storage
It is predicted that 1.7 megabytes of data will be created every second for each person on the planet by 2020. The amount of data generated increases each year, and a third of all data will pass through the cloud in 2020. The fast development of cloud storage can be explained by its ease of…

From cave paintings to exabytes of data
Recording and keeping their thoughts and memories is an innate need for most people — whether by hand or computer, with a pencil or quill, or even through verbal history and folk songs. We’ve come a long way since Gutenberg invented the printing press in 15th century, and even longer since early humans painted caves…

The trepidation of not enough storage space
The main horrors faced in daily life are often not the most devastating. Sure, zombie apocalypses, murder suicides, maniacs kidnapping you sound horrifying, but most of us will never — at least I hope so — encounter them in daily life. If we were to produce a movie on modern horrors, they would be much…