When choosing the best storage solution for your needs, an important aspect to take into account is its life expectancy. Broadly, all electronic storage media can be divided in three groups: magnetic, optical, and flash storage. Each of them has different characteristics and aspects influencing their life expectancy. Before we dive deeper, remember: please back…
Category: Technology

Your computer is locked! All your files are now encrypted!
These and similar announcements appear if you’ve been attacked by ransomware. It is a malicious program infecting your computer, blocking your files and demanding a payment, usually in hundreds and thousands of dollars. It is scary because you are not able to access your files and even paying the ransom does not necessarily mean you…

How to erase everything (on your computer)
We’ve written a lot about the ways of restoring your information after it’s been lost — and we’ve come to the conclusion that cloud storage is one of the easiest ways to prevent permanent data loss. But what if you want to do the opposite — to be completely sure that data on your hard drive is…

How you can restore your lost files (sometimes)
We’ve spoken at length about different ways how to back up your files in case they are lost. In my personal experience, people only start to back up their files after they’ve lost something truly valuable. If you haven’t set up regular file backups, do it now. But if you’ve already deleted the file you need, this…

Three steps to safeguard your files while vacationing
Summer has arrived, and for many people it means taking a vacation. Whether you have plans to visit your grandmother’s countryside house or travel to a far-away country, it is important to ensure than not only you but also your information is safe from unexpected losses. A few steps to take to keep your files…

Stream large files instantly
What do you imagine when hearing the word “torrent”? Maybe a stream of water, or maybe pirates — depends on your age and interests. For those of you whose mind jumps to illegal file downloads and pirating, this is only one side of torrents. While torrent technology is often used for legally questionable activities, it…

File transfers and file upload forms — fast, simple, convenient
Despite the large number of articles devoted to backups and their importance, it is not the only service Files.fm provides — far from it. One of the less-known but useful functions of Files.fm website is file sending. We offer an easy and intuitive way to share files with your friends or colleagues. For private users…

Microscopic, liquid, human — the future of data storage
It is predicted that 1.7 megabytes of data will be created every second for each person on the planet by 2020. The amount of data generated increases each year, and a third of all data will pass through the cloud in 2020. The fast development of cloud storage can be explained by its ease of…

From cave paintings to exabytes of data
Recording and keeping their thoughts and memories is an innate need for most people — whether by hand or computer, with a pencil or quill, or even through verbal history and folk songs. We’ve come a long way since Gutenberg invented the printing press in 15th century, and even longer since early humans painted caves…

What’s what on the cloud
We hope it is sunny wherever you are. While working at Files.fm, we have probably heard more cloud-related puns than anyone deserves in a lifetime. “A friend of mine is looking for an aerial water storage system. He’s working on a cloud-based solution.” is probably our current favorite. “Daddy, what are clouds made of? Linux…