data storage platform has received European Union support for practical implementation of blockchain solutions. In the last week of January, the company took part in the innovation competition Block.IS in Istanbul and was among the selected 23 European companies, receiving €50,000 for implementation of blockchain solutions and receiving independent expert reviews: good, very good…
Tag: about

Open a store, design a unique look and get rich quickly (can’t promise the last one)
Everyone reading this knows our most essential service: file storage. But is much more than just a place to store your files — we also offer file sharing and catalog services. Another lesser-known offer from is file sale services. We have a convenient and integrated platform to sell digital files and receive payments. How does…

What’s what on the cloud
We hope it is sunny wherever you are. While working at, we have probably heard more cloud-related puns than anyone deserves in a lifetime. “A friend of mine is looking for an aerial water storage system. He’s working on a cloud-based solution.” is probably our current favorite. “Daddy, what are clouds made of? Linux…

Eight Reasons to Use ( Cloud Storage
Our crowd-sourcing campaign is running full steam ahead — you can join us at community powered Library here. While you choose the best offer, here are some reasons why people store their files in cloud storage and why you should start doing it. 1. Accessibility. Cloud storage provides greater accessibility than any other solution: you don’t…
Frequently asked questions about
Is it possible to restore files after an expiration date? Files can be restored up to 30 days after deletion (180 days for Business accounts), after that it is not possible. How can I restore my account’s password? You can restore your password entering your account’s email address here. An email will be sent to your…
Frequently asked questions about backup
What do I have to do to start working with Backup program? Firstly, you have to create Pro or Business account which can be done here and information about subscription plans can be found here. Secondly, you have to download setup and install it on you computer. If you have already subscribed to, you can you use…
Frequently asked questions about Sync
What do I have to do to start working with Sync desktop application? First, you have to create Pro or Business account which can be done here and information about subscription plans can be found here. Secondly, you have to download, setup and install the application on your computer. If you have already subscribed to, you can you…
Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi par ielādes formu
Kam ir paredzēta ielādes forma? Ikvienam uzņēmumam, kas saņem failus epastā, izmanto trešās puses servisus vai ftp serveri. Visbiežāk šo rīku izmanto tipogrāfijas, fotosaloni, mediji, medicīnas iestādes, iepakojumu ražotāji, apdrošinātāji u.c. Viena no ielādes formas priekšrocībām ir strukturēta failu saņemšana izmantojot klienta mājaslapu. Kā strādā šis pakalpojums? reģistrēts lietotājs izveido formu, saglabā izmaiņas un implementē to…
Frequently asked questions about upload form
What is the upload form used for? It can be used by companies that receive many files through emails, for example publishing houses, prints etc. It can also be used by both companies and people who need to gather files from several people. How does this service work? User creates a custom form, saves and…
Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi par Backup
Kas jādara, lai uzsāktu darbu ar Backup programmu? Lai uzsāktu darbu ar programmu, pirmkārt, nepieciešams izveidot maksas kontu, kuru var izveidot šeit un abonēšanas cenas atrast šeit. Otrkārt, jāuzinstalē pašu programmu, kuru var lejupielādēt mājas lapā. Ja esi abonējis maksas kontu, Sync programmu vari izmantot bezmaksas, kā arī nav nepieciešams veidot vēlvienu maksas kontu. Vai uz…